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Compact Cylinder Air Saving Type/Polygonal Piston Square Type

Air Cylinders ? Compact Air Cylinders
    ?Air saving and more compact! Improvements due to the adoption of a built-in exhaust return circuit and a polygonal piston
    ?Air consumption: Max. 46% reduction
    ?Uses the air exhausted from the extension side to supply the retraction side, thus reusing the air (Built-in exhaust return circuit)
    ?Reduce air consumption just by piping to the product
    ?Compact (Now with a polygonal piston)
     Width: 13% reduction*
     Height: 11% reduction*
     Overall length: 11% reduction*
     * Compared with the CDQ2 series, ?32, 10 mm stroke
TypeSeriesActionBore size (mm)
StandardCDQ2B-X3205Double acting single rod32,40,50

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