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Pinch Valve LPV

Process Valves ? Compact 2/3 Port Solenoid Valves
    ?A 3-port type has been added. [New]
     Valve type
     N.C. on one side (Normally in clamping position)
     N.O. on one side (Normally in unclamping position)
    ?Highly resistant to contamination and reduces valve failures
    ?Applicable tubing:
     Silicone, PharMed?BPT, Tygon?
    ?Power consumption: 2.0 W
    ?Compact: Valve width 20 mm
    ?Easy tubing replacement
SeriesType of actuationValve typeApplicable tubing
LPVDirect operated solenoidN.C.
Silicone, PharMed?BPT
“Hardness of 64 (shore A) or lower (reference)”

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