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Pressure Sensor/Switch for General Fluids PSE57□

Switches/Sensors/Controller ? Electronic Pressure Switches/Sensors (Remote Type)
    ?Switch output specification
    ?IO-Link compatible
    ?Withstand voltage: 500 VAC
    ?Enclosure: IP65
    ?Materials of parts in contact with fluid
     Piping port: C3604 + Nickel plating
     Pressure sensor: Al2O3 (Alumina 96%)
     O-ring: FKM + Grease (PSE570/573/574)
     Square ring: FKM (PSE575/576/577)
SeriesTypeRated pressure rangeProof pressure
PSE570Positive pressure0 to 1 MPa3.0 MPa
PSE573Compound pressure-100 to 100 kPa600 kPa
PSE574Positive pressure0 to 500 kPa1.5 MPa
PSE575Positive pressure0 to 2 MPa5.0 MPa
PSE576Positive pressure0 to 5 MPa12.5 MPa
PSE577Positive pressure0 to 10 MPa30 MPa

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