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Biomass Tubing TU/TS/T-X309

Fittings and Tubing ? Tubing
    ?Tubing according to carbon neutrality
    ?CO2 reduction amount: Max. 18.7 kg
     ? Comparison with the TS series (Tubing O.D. 12 mm;
      Tubing I.D. 9 mm), Soft nylon tubing, 100 meters roll
    ?Reduction in CO2 and greenhouse gases by reducing
     the use of petroleum driven raw materials, resulting
     in a greater contribution towards decarbonization.

    What is a biomass tube?
    Tubing produced from plant derived raw biomaterials such
    as castor seeds, etc.
SeriesMaterialTubing O.D.
Metric size
TU-X309Polyurethaneφ4,φ6,φ8,φ10,φ12Black, White, BlueAir, Water
TS-X309Soft nylonφ4,φ6,φ8,φ10,φ12WhiteAir
T-X309Nylonφ4,φ6,φ8,φ10,φ12Black, WhiteAir

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