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Explosion-proof 3/5-Port Solenoid Valve 50-VFE/VPE-X170

Directional Control Valves ? Explosion-Proof Valves
    ?TS certification (Taiwan)
    ?Ex db Ⅱc T6...T5 Gb
    ?Ex tb Ⅲc T85℃...100℃ Db
    ?Exhausting equipment for the pilot valve is not required.
     (Common exhaust type for main and pilot valve [50-VFE3000-X170])
    ?It is possible to be used in a manifold. (50-VFE-X170)
    ?Can be used as a selector valve, divider valve, or for vacuum applications
    ?Manifold type no.: 50-VV5FE3, 50-VV5FE5
SeriesNo. of portsEffective area mm2 (Cv)Power consumption (W)
50-VFE3000-X1705 port18 (1.0)3.5
50-VFE5000-X1705 port45 (2.5)3.5
50-VPE500-X1703 port41.4 (2.3)3.5
50-VPE700-X1703 port72 (4)3.5

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