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Rod End (Piston Rod End Bracket) KJ□D

Air Cylinders ? Floating Joints/Rod End
    ?Smooth rotation that can adjust the centering automatically.
    ?Allowable inclination angle: 19°
    ?Can be used in various applications, not limited to connecting to a cylinder.
    ?Can be used as an auxiliary bracket for the oscillating mechanism.
    ?Reduces the design and assembly labor of the oscillating mechanism.
  • 2D/3D CAD

    The new SMC CAD SYSTEM, CADENAS, allows you to output 2D/3D CAD data with full part numbers in various data formats. Responses to part number selection has been greatly improved with the newly developed system.

    Click here for 2D/3D CAD
SeriesThread size [mm]Applicable cylinder
KJ□DM4 to M42CJ2 series: ?10, ?16
CM2 series: ?20 to ?40
CG1 series: ?20 to ?100
CA2 series: ?40 to ?100
MB series: ?32 to ?125
MB1 series: ?32 to ?125
CQ2 series: ?12 to ?100
C85 series: ?8 to ?25
C75 series: ?32, ?40
C76 series: ?32, ?40
C95 series: ?160 to ?250
C96 series: ?32 to ?125
CP96 series: ?32 to ?125

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