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Air Cylinder/Compact Type MB-X3155

Air Cylinders ? Standard Air Cylinders (Square Cover)
    ?Now, more compact and lightweight due to the adoption of a octagonal piston!
     Weight: 35% reduction (750 g→487 g)
     Overall length: 16% reduction (189 mm→158 mm)
     Height Width: 10% reduction (52 mm→47 mm)
    ?Air cushion adjustment is not required due to the non-adjustable air cushion.
     The built-in rubber bumper reduces the metal noise that occurs when the piston stops.
    ?Small auto switches can be mounted on 4 surfaces. (Tie-rod mounting)
     Applicable auto switch: D-M9m
TypeSeriesActionBore size (mm)
StandardMB-X3155Double acting single rod40, 63

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