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Smooth Vent Valve XVD

High Vacuum Equipment ? High Vacuum Valves
    ?The valve/needle valve-integrated construction requires only 1/4 the piping space of previous models.
    ?Particle numbers have been significantly reduced through the use of a metal diaphragm in the sheet portion.
    ?Flow of both the initial air supply and the main air supply can be adjusted.
  • 2D/3D CAD

    The new SMC CAD SYSTEM, CADENAS, allows you to output 2D/3D CAD data with full part numbers in various data formats. Responses to part number selection has been greatly improved with the newly developed system.

    Click here for 2D/3D CAD
SeriesValve typeFluidPipingPort size
XVDNormally closed
(Pressurize to open, Spring seal)
Nitrogen, Air,
Inert gas, etc.

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