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Vacuum Unit (Vacuum Generators) ZK2□A

Vacuum Equipment (Vacuum Generators/Vacuum Suction Cups/Other) ? Vacuum Ejectors (Vacuum Generators)/Vacuum Pump Systems
    ?Supply valve: An N.O. specification has been added.
     Can hold vacuum? even when the power goes out or is turned off
     Prevents the sudden dropping of workpieces?
     ? Supposing the supply pressure is being maintained
    ?An IO-Link compatible pressure switch has been added.
     Allows for ejector control with a single communication line
     Reading of the device information and parameter batch settings are
    ?Compatible with ejector systems and vacuum pump systems
    ?Energy saving ejector
     Air supply is cut-off when vacuum is reached.
     Air consumption: 93% reduction (Under SMC’s measurement conditions)
    ?More efficient ejector: Suction flow increased by 50% (Compared to other
     SMC 1-stage ejectors)
    ?Energy saving efficiency: 93% reduction
    ?Improved low noise and suction flow by adoption of a high-noise
     reduction silencer
Ejector seriesNozzle diameter
Max. suction flow
Air consumption
Guidelines for applicable pad
Vacuum pump system series
ZK2□070.729242 to 40ZK2□00
ZK2□101.044402 to 50ZK2□00
ZK2□121.261582 to 125ZK2□00
ZK2□151.567902 to 150ZK2□00

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