
WEB Catalog

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Modular F.R.L.

Filter Regulator with Backflow Function AW□K-B

    ?Integrated filter and regulator units save space and require less piping.
    ?The filter regulator with backflow function incorporates a mechanism that exhausts the air pressure in the outlet side quickly.

    ? The AW□K-B series will be discontinued in March 2025.
     Please select the AW□K-D series.?Click here for details.
SeriesPort sizeSet pressure (MPa)Filtration (μm)
AW20K to 60K-B1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,3/4,10.05 to 0.85
0.02 to 0.2


Modular F.R.L. Units AC Series

Transparent bowl guard

Better environmental resistance: Transparent bowl guard can protect the inner bowl!

Better visibility: 360°

Use of transparent bowl guard makes it possible to check the condensate inside the filter bowl and the remaining oil amount in the lubricator from the entire periphery.

Light weight: Max. 90 g reduction

* Except AW

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