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Modular Connection Type Antibacterial Filter/ Odor Removal Filter/ Bacteria Removal Filter HF2-BF□

Air Preparation Equipment ? Air Preparation Filters
    ?Products Utilizing US FDA/Japan Food Sanitation Act compliant materials
    ?NSF-H1 grade grease
    ?Antibacterial coating
    ?Designed for hygiene management in accordance with HACCP and other
    ?Contributes to the FSSC22000 certification acquisition
    ?Antibacterial filter: Antibacterial activation value: 4 or higher
    ?Bacteria removal filter: Bacteria capture performance: LRV ≥ 9
    ?Odor removal filter: Oil concentration on the outlet side: 0.003 mg/m3 or
TypeSeriesNominal filtration rating (μm)Port size
Antibacterial filterHF2-BFA51/4, 3/8, 1/2
Antibacterial filterHF2-BFB0.11/4, 3/8, 1/2
Odor removal filterHF2-BFC-1/4, 3/8, 1/2
Bacteria removal filterHF2-BFD0.011/4, 3/8, 1/2

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