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Pilot Operated 2 Port Solenoid Valve (2 Way Valve) for Dry Air

Process Valves ? Compact 2/3 Port Solenoid Valves
    ?High-frequency operation is possible: High-speed response 7 ms or less (VQ20), 20 ms or less (VQ30)
    ?Easy piping with One-touch fittings
    ?The dust-tight, water-jet-proof enclosure (IP65) is compatible with the DIN terminal type.
    ?Applications: Air-blow, Blow-off of workpieces, etc.
    ?Manifold type no.: VV2Q22, VV2Q32
SeriesValve typePort sizeOrifice diameter (mm?)
VQ20N.C.φ6 to φ123.4
VQ30N.C.φ6 to φ124.8

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