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Normal Close High Vacuum Solenoid Valve XSA

Process Valves ? Compact 2/3 Port Solenoid Valves
High Vacuum Equipment ? High Vacuum Valves
    ?Minimum operating pressure: 1 × 10-6 Pa (abs)
    ?Leakage: Internal 1.3 × 10-9 Pa·m3/s, External 1.3 × 10-11 Pa·m3/s
    ?2 types of fittings and female threads are available.
    ?Power consumption: Max. 25% reduction
    ?Weight: Max. 18% lighter (0.5 kg → 0.41 kg)
SeriesValve typeFluidPipingPort size
XSANormally closedAir
Inert gas
Face seal fitting
Compression fitting
1/4, 3/8
XSANormally closedAir
Inert gas
Rc, NPT female thread1/8, 1/4, 3/8

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