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Multistage Ejector (With built-in ZSE20A vacuum pressure switch)  ZL1/ZL3/ZL6

Vacuum Equipment (Vacuum Generators/Vacuum Suction Cups/Other) ? Vacuum Ejectors (Vacuum Generators)/Vacuum Pump Systems
    ?An IO-Link compatible vacuum pressure switch has been added. (ZL3,
     ZL6) New
     Allows for ejector control with a single communication line
     Reading of the device information and parameter batch settings are
    ?Max. suction flow rate: 3 types available: 100, 300, and 600 L/min (ANR)
    ?Air consumption: 91% reduction (ZL3, ZL6)
     Reduced by the pressure switch for vacuum with energy saving function
     and efficient ejectors
    ?Weight: Max. 60% reduction [ZL112 (Existing model): 450 g → ZL1: 180 g]
SeriesNozzle diameter
Max. suction flow
Air consumption

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