

Use of IR Information

The purpose of this website is to provide information as part of our IR activities, and is not intended as a solicitation to invest.
Investment decisions should be made at the discretion of the user.

About the information on this website

Although we pay the closest attention to the content of the information posted on this website, we assume no responsibility for any errors in the posted information or for any problems that may result from the falsification of data by third parties, downloading of data, or other causes.

Forward-looking Statements

This website contains forward-looking statements that reflect the business forecasts and plans of the Company and its group companies.
These forward-looking statements are based on the estimates, evaluations, judgments, and other assumptions made by our group in light of the information currently available to us, and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors.
These risks, uncertainties, and other factors may materially affect the Group's results of operations and financial condition and cause the Group's actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements.
The Group undertakes no obligation to update or publicly announce any forward-looking statements after the date they are posted on this website.

沅江市| 文化| 祁门县| 永年县| 西城区| 黄浦区| 凤翔县| 中方县| 灵台县| 恭城| 德格县| 连南| 岢岚县| 宁化县| 威海市| 宁南县| 永年县| 洛阳市| 宣化县| 宁强县| 元朗区| 开化县| 兴业县| 马山县| 新宾| 泽普县| 浠水县| 宜宾市| 隆安县| 六安市| 武功县| 济阳县| 兴安盟| 福海县| 淮北市| 资中县| 安平县| 西充县| 岐山县| 光泽县| 永顺县|