
Business Continuity Plan

About SMC »  Business Continuity Plan

Business Continuity Plan

Working Toward a Sustainable World

As a comprehensive manufacturer of automatic control equipment,
SMC aims to fulfill our product supply responsibilities and
maintain the trust of our customers by contributing
to both sustainable growth and the expansion of
technological innovations.

In recent years, we’ve seen an increase in not only natural disasters such as heavy rains and
large earthquakes but also in the spread of infectious diseases, political and military conflicts,
and material cost increases and shortages.
As a leading comprehensive manufacturer of automatic control equipment that supports automation,
we strive to do everything in our power to be able to promptly — no matter the
circumstances — provide products that meet the needs of our customers worldwide.
We are committed to ensuring that SMC is prepared for any emergency and that our business
activities will not stop in the event of such an emergency. This includes maintaining a system
that can quickly resume operations in the event of an unavoidable termination. At the same
time, we’re also introducing the latest security technology in order to fully protect our customer’s information.
SMC is further refining it’s rock solid BCP, which is unrivaled amongst other companies in the our industry.
We promise to do our utmost to fulfill our main responsibility; to provide our customers the products
they require.

SMC Business Continuity Plan

Please download the pamphlet about our business continuity plan
from the following link.

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