

Sustainability »  Environmental Management System


Environmental and Quality Management / Green Procurement

SMC has acquired ISO 14001 certification, an international standard for environmental management systems. We build our environmental management system based on this certification.

ISO 14001 certification

Environmental Policy

ISO 14001 certification

SMC recognizes that the conservation of the global environment is the most crucial issue facing all humanity. Therefore, we will strive to realize a comfortable global environment through all of our business activities.
As a comprehensive manufacturer of automatic control equipment, we will contribute to the creation of a sustainable society.

Basic Policy

  • 1. We will work to understand the environmental impact of our production activities, products, and services and to protect the environment and prevent pollution.
  • 2.We will minimize the environmental impacts from our design, development and production activities.
  • (1)We will work to develop environmentally friendly products and work towards environmentally friendly procurement.
  • (2)By using energy efficiently and using renewable energy, we will work to prevent global warming.
  • (3)We will promote the reduction and recycling of waste.
  • (4)We will strive to conserve environmental resources by using water efficiently.
  • 3.We will comply with the various items required by environmental laws and regulations and work to deepen our relationship with our customers, neighbors, and local communities.
  • We will also promote the conservation of biodiversity.
  • 4.We will continuously improve our environmental management systems to improve our environmentally friendly performance.
  • 5.We will communicate our environmental policy to all workers and disclose it publicly.

Environment-related Data

This section summarizes the figures for SMC's production bases in Japan and China, which account for 85% of the Group's total production.

Environment-related Data1

SMC is working to reduce waste discharge (by converting waste to valuable resources and recycling) and chemical substance usage (by preventing evaporation, removal, and recycling).

Environment-related Data2

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