
Famous Trademark for China

Global Information »  Famous Trademark for China
The SMC brand is now assessed as a Famous Trademark in China.

On May 27th 2011, the trademark of the SMC CORPORATION,SMC was assessed as being a Famous Trademark in China by the Trademark Office under the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

“Famous Trademark” symbolizes a highly accredited trademark within China which is officially recognized by the Trademark Office under the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

This time around only two Japanese brands have been newly assessed, and yet so far there have been only thirty Japanese company brands that have been recognized as being a Famous Trademark. In addition to this in the pneumatic equipment category, SMC is the world’s first company to be recognized as being a Famous Trademark.

As a result of this, the extent of the protection of the SMC trademark in China will expand beyond our existing products and services that have so far been kept within the protection scope of the primary trademark of SMC, and through which it will be much easier for us to prevent unauthorized use, as well as to inhibit registration fraud by a third party and thereby to reinforce the protection of our brand.

We believe that the Famous Trademark approval granted to us at this time shows that our business operations and our efforts towards the protection of the trademark in China have been highly evaluated, and in itself is a proof that our company’s trademark SMC has been widely acknowledged.

We will continue to make stringent efforts to provide our customers with satisfactory services as befits a reliable brand.

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