
Vacuum Equipment

Vacuum Pads ZP3/ZP2/ZP Series - Select from the Workpieces

Select from the Workpieces : Air permeable workpieces


It is difficult to adsorb air permeable workpieces with the pad.

Since it is necessary to adsorb the workpiece with the available flow rate, consider using a blower, etc. for better adsorption.

Non-contact Gripper XT661Series

Variations Type Series Outer body diameter Port size Operating pressure WEB Catalog

■Non-contact conveyance is possible.
■Compatible for the transfer of workpieces sensitive to adsorption marks, such as glass circuit board, workpieces with bumps like solar battery cells, workpieces with holes, air permeable workpieces like paper, and thin workpieces like film.

Cyclone type XT661 φ20,φ25,φ40,φ60,φ80,φ100 M5×0.8、Rc1/8 0.01~0.5MPa Details
Bernoulli type φ39,φ59,φ79,φ99,□120,□150 0.01~0.4MPa

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