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3-Screen Display Digital Gap Checker/IO-Link Compatible ISA3-L

Switches/Sensors/Controller ? Electronic Pressure Switches/Sensors (Self-contained Type)
IO-Link Devices ? Pressure Switches
Industrial Device Communication Equipment/Wireless System ? Industrial Device Communication Equipment: IO-Link Compatible Products
    ?Monitoring the placement condition of the workpiece Indicates failure/abnormality
    ?Double sensor providing improved preventive and predictive maintenance (IoT) based on IO-Link
     Process data provides Displayed value, Outlet pressure, and Supply pressure value.
    ?NPN/PNP switch function
    ?3-screen display (Setting)
    ?Window comparator type
    ?Zero cut-off range can be changed.

     ?IO-Link Master
SeriesRated distance rangePiping specifications: Supply sidePiping specifications: Detection side
ISA3-F□L0.01 to 0.03 mmRc, G 1/8φ4, φ6 One-touch fitting, G 1/8
ISA3-G□L0.02 to 0.15 mmRc, G 1/8φ4, φ6 One-touch fitting, G 1/8
ISA3-H□L0.05 to 0.30 mmRc, G 1/8φ4, φ6 One-touch fitting, G 1/8

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