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Compact Guide Cylinder/Rectangular Piston Type MGPM-X3159

Air Cylinders ? Guide Cylinders
    ?Now more lightweight and compact due to the adoption of a rectangular piston
     Width: 21% reduction (48 mm→38 mm)
     Weight: 37% reduction (3.29 kg→2.07 kg)
     Overall length: 7% reduction (100 mm→93 mm)
    ?The allowable lateral load and the allowable kinetic energy are the same as those of the existing MGP series model.
    ?The allowable rotational torque of the plate and the non-rotating accuracy are the same as those of the existing MGP series model.

    ? The MGPM-X3159 series will be discontinued in October 2023.
TypeBearingSeriesActionBore size (mm)
Basic typeSlide bearingMGPM-X3159Double acting25, 32

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