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Digital Valve Controller ND7000

Pneumatic Instrumentation Equipment ? Positioners
    ?Can be used for rotary and linear actuators
    ?SIL 2 certified by TüV (Acc. to IEC 61508)
    ?Equipped with self-diagnostics
    ?Equipped with fail safe function (fully closed/fully open)
    ?Compatible with HART communication
    ?Enclosure: IP66, NEMA 4X
SeriesEnclosure materialAir connection portSupply pressure (MPa)Input current
ND7100Anodised aluminum alloy
and polymer composite
G1/40.14 to 0.84 to 20 mA
ND7200Anodised aluminum alloy
and tempered glass
NPT1/40.14 to 0.84 to 20 mA

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