
Sustainable Management of CO2

About SMC » Sustainable Management of CO2 » Eco-Products »  Proposal for Air-saving System
Proposal for Air-saving System
We will help you save energy.
The first step towards energy saving is understanding the current state of your factory. Improved awareness is key.

Did you know that air equipment accounts for about 20% of all factory power consumption? Air blow is the main factor, responsible for over 40% of all air consumption, with actuators accounting for 14% and suction 9%.
Improved air blow efficiency can be achieved by selecting optimally sized piping. Similarly, air saving can be achieved by device optimization. By allowing SMC to check on the state of your factory, we will be able to provide you with equipment and facility improvement proposals, factory management training, and access to a wide range of other useful services.

Successful cases of companies that have
implemented energy saving measures.

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