
  • TOP >
  • Develop human resources & Disseminate automation control technology

Supporting the growth of each individual to

support a sustainable future

To nurture professionals in automation control technology,

we will build a global human resource development system,

evaluation criteria, and award system,

preparing for each individual employee.

We will also communicate the value of automation control technology

which contributes to a sustainable future through information

dissemination and learning support

for children and young people around the world,

who have the potential to become future leaders.

To nurture professionals in automation control technology, we will build a global human resource development system, evaluation criteria, and award system, preparing for each individual employee.
We will also communicate the value of automation control technology which contributes to a sustainable future through information dissemination and learning support for children and young people around the world, who have the potential to become future leaders.

1. Develop human resources who can play a globally active role

Action 04-1-1


Develop global human resources


Global talent management

Create a mechanism to develop experts in each field

Action 04-1-2


Provide skill acquisition opportunities


Create a system to pass on skills 1.Install safety and skill training equipment at each factory 2.Systematically train staff members to be skill certified 3.Implement skill competitions and awards

2. Improve employee motivation

Action 04-2-1


Global award system


Implement an awards system for employees who have shown excellent performance and skills in each department

3.Promote automation control technology

Action 04-3-1


Provide opportunities to learn about automation control technology


Workshops for children - Provide opportunities for children to experience "what pneumatic instruments and automation control equipment are"

Seminars for students

Action 04-3-1


Support higher education institutions


Donate to universities and research institutes

Provide cut samples, training kits, and products

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