China RoHS
China RoHS was promulgated on February 28, 2006 and enforced on March 1, 2007.
China RoHS is intended for certain electronic information product categories.
In the first step, only the data (indication on toxic or hazardous substances included in the products, their contents,
and environment-friendly use period) is provided.
China RoHS applies to all products corresponding to the list (“Electronic Information Products Classification and
Explanations”). The hazardous substance regulation items in the second step are specified in the important control list.
* Lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, PBB and PBDE to not more than 0.1% by weight, and cadmium to not more than 0.01% by weight in the homogenous material.
* Scope of application: 10 electronic information product categories shown in “Electronic Information Products Classification and Explanations”.
|SMC’s approach to China RoHS
In the same manner as EU RoHS, SMC recognizes that many of its products except for some products
[temperature control equipment (chiller or thermo-con, etc.)] are not in scope of the China RoHS. (The products are
not applicable to those stated in the important control list in the second step.)
However, when the customer’s product that uses SMC product is applicable to the target product categories, SMC
product also needs to be compliant with China RoHS. Some SMC products are made compliant with China RoHS
depending on the situation. (The first step is solved by special products.)
In the first step, SMC provides the information on “toxic and hazardous substance names, their contents, and environment-friendly use period” of all SMC products.
* The environment-friendly use period defined in “Marking for Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic Information Product” of the products to be handled and sold in China by SMC is determined to 10 years. However, note that this period does not show the product warranty period.
Note 1 : Points common to EU RoHS and China RoHS
- Hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment are restricted and controlled.
- In both RoHS Directives, lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, PBB and PBDE to not more than 0.1% by weight, and cadmium to not more than 0.01% by weight in the homogenous material.
Note 2 : Different points between EU RoHS and China RoHS
- The largest difference is that the inclusion of chemical substances except for important control products is not restricted, but the indication is obligated in China RoHS.
- There are no exempted applications and materials at present.
Customers purchasing SMC products should study the regulations to understand their legal obligations.