|Reference Data
Example of Improvement
The following are some of the application examples. Since the amount of heat generated
changes with conditions and usage rates, the effectiveness is not guaranteed.
Increasing the number of spots decreases the number of electrodes used.
- Spot welding machine (Nut welding)
- Rated capacity: 75 kVA
- Cooling water circulating system: Thermo-chiller HRS050-A-20

Graph of Amount of Heat by Welding Current Value Used (A) and Usage Rate
The amount of heat of a resistance welding machine is determined by the welding current value used (A), and the usage rate.

Note for Selecting a Chiller
Amount of heat of resistance welding machine < Chiller cooling capacity
Note that the chiller cooling capacity is influenced by the ambient temperature. We recommend that the selection be performed
with sufficient margin in consideration of the surrounding environment.
* Please contact SMC when selecting a chiller.