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Air Shocker XT316

Air Cylinders ? Specialty Cylinders
Pneumatic Instrumentation Equipment ? Actuators
    Produced upon receipt of order

    ?The air shocker is a pneumatic piston type shock generator.
     Removes plugging due to bridging or adhesion of bulk material inside a hopper or chute.
    ?Variable impact force
    ?Strong, stable impact force
    ?No lubrication required
TypeSeriesBore size
Impact energy*
* The potential energy when
impact is applied by
SMC’s test equipment is shown.
Air consumption
Air shockerXT316-30(B)300.05 to 0.070.33
Air shockerXT316-40(B)400.17 to 0.310.75
Air shockerXT316-63(B)630.45 to 0.751.29
Air shockerXT316-80(B)801.0 to 1.81.91
Air shockerXT316-100(B)1002.2 to 4.04

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