
WEB Catalog

Product Information ?  WEB Catalog  ? Air Cylinders  ? Environment Resistant Cylinders

Environment Resistant Cylinders

Dust Resistant Cylinder 

    ?Applicable for environments with flying micro-powder such as ceramic powder, toner powder, paper powder, and metallic powder (Excludes weld spatter)
    ?4 times stronger than the standard model
    ?2 Lube-retainers on the rod cover prevent micro-powder of 30 μm or smaller from entering.
    ?The Lube-retainers create a coat of grease on the piston rod for improved durability.

    ? The MGP-XC92(W) series will be discontinued in September 2023.
     Please select the MGP-Z-XC4A(W) series.
TypeSeriesActionBore size (mm)
Air cylinderCM2-XC92Double acting20, 25, 32, 40
Compact cylinderCQS-XC92Double acting12, 16, 20, 25
Compact cylinderCQ2-XC92Double acting32, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100
Compact guide cylinderMGP-XC92Double acting12, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100


Applicable for environments with flying micro-powder such as ceramic powder, toner powder, paper powder, and metallic powder (Excludes weld spatter)

4 times stronger than the standard model

?2 Lube-retainers on the rod cover prevent micro-powder of 30 μm or smaller from entering.
?The Lube-retainers create a coat of grease on the piston rod for improved durability.
?The overall length dimensions of the CQ2 and MGP series are compatible with models with a heavy-duty scraper (-XC4). (The CM2 series dimensions are the same as the standard model.)

Applicable Cylinders

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