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  • WEB Catalog

    Product Information »  WEB Catalog  » Electric Actuators/Cylinders  » Manifold Controller/Manifold Controller Compatible Electric Actuator

    Manifold Controller/Manifold Controller Compatible Electric Actuator

    Battery-less Absolute Encoder Type
    [Compatible with Manifold Controller]
    Electric Actuator/Slider Type Belt Drive LE2FB□H

      · Slider Type Belt Drive LE2FB□H Series has been added. [New]
      · Compatible with manifold controller
       Up to 16 axes can be connected
      · Annual CO2 emissions reduced by up to 38% through motor control
       optimization (SMC comparison)
       8.7 kg-CO2e/year (14.1)
       ∗ The numerical values vary depending on the operating conditions.
      · Battery-less absolute encoder type
       Restart from the last stop position is possible.
    • 2D/3D CAD

      The new SMC CAD SYSTEM, CADENAS, allows you to output 2D/3D CAD data with full part numbers in various data formats. Responses to part number selection has been greatly improved with the newly developed system.

      Click here for 2D/3D CAD
    • Battery-less Absolute Encoder Type
      [Compatible with Manifold Controller]
      Electric Actuator/Slider Type Belt Drive LE2FB□H
      Model View search result
      LE2FB16□HView search result
      LE2FB25□HView search result
      LE2FB32□HView search result
    • Battery-less Absolute Encoder Type
      [Compatible with Manifold Controller]
      Electric Actuator/Slider Type Belt Drive LE2FB□H
      Model View search result
      LE2FB16□HView search result
      LE2FB25□HView search result
      LE2FB32□HView search result
    Work load (kg)
    Screw lead
    Battery-less absolute
    (Step motor 24 VDC)
    LE2FB16□H300 to 1200Max. 1Max. 130048
    Battery-less absolute
    (Step motor 24 VDC)
    LE2FB25□H300 to 2200Max. 10Max. 160048
    Battery-less absolute
    (Step motor 24 VDC)
    LE2FB32□H300 to 2600Max. 19Max. 170048





