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Magnet Grippers

Magnet Gripper for Collaborative Robots MHM-X7400A
for Universal Robots 

    ?Plug and Play configuration for immediate use
    ?URCap: Easy programming
    ?Attracts and holds heavy objects with a magnet
    ?Supports workpieces with holes and uneven surfaces
    ?Compact with high holding force
     Holding force: Max. 200 N (?25, Workpiece thickness 6 mm)
    ?Continues to hold workpieces even when the air is shut off
    ?Operate by simply connecting 1 air supply tube and an electrical wiring M8 connector.
    ?Integrated solenoid valve, auto switch, and piston speed adjustment mechanism
  • Magnet Gripper for Collaborative Robots MHM-X7400A
    for Universal Robots 
    Series View search result
    MHM-X7400AView search result
SeriesMax. holding force N
(Workpiece thickness mm)


Magnet Gripper for Collaborative Robots

Attracts and holds heavy objects with a magnet

Supports workpieces with holes and uneven surfaces

Compact with high holding force: Max. 200 N (o25, Workpiece thickness 6 mm)

Continues to hold workpieces even when the air is shut off

Operate by simply connecting 1 air supply tube and an electrical wiring M8 connector.

Integrated solenoid valve, auto switch, and piston speed adjustment mechanism


Component Parts


Holding force

The holding force graph shows the theoretical value for low-carbon steel plates.
Holding forces vary depending on the material and shape of the workpiece. Please perform a holding test while referring to the value selected based on the graph.



Easy programming

By using the dedicated software certified for Universal Robots, URCap, the teaching pendant can conduct various operations intuitively, allowing for sensor signals to be easily incorporated.
Save a copy of the URCap software to a USB memory and insert it into the teaching pendant to easily install the software.
? Please download the URCap software from the website, and save it to a USB memory.

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