
WEB Catalog

Product Information ?  WEB Catalog  ? Fittings and Tubing  ? Tubing


Wear Resistant Flat Tubing/Multi-core, Multi-color TUZ

    ?Multi-core, multi-color specification
    ?Compact piping is possible.
    ?6 color variations
    ?Abrasion: Approx. 1/3
SeriesTubing O.D.ColorNumber of coresFluid
TUZφ4,φ6,φ8,φ10,φ12Black, White, Red, Blue, Yellow, Green2, 3, 4, 5, 6Air


Can be identified and managed by colors. Integrated type without the need to bind!

Polyurethane/Series TU

Soft Polyurethane/Series TUS

Wear Resistant/Series TUZ

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