
WEB Catalog

Product Information ?  WEB Catalog  ? Fittings and Tubing  ? Tubing(Fluoropolymer/Clean)

    ?Carry fluids, such as solvent, with this soft and abrasion-resistant tube
    ?2-layer structure
     Outer layer: Special nylon resin,
     Inner layer: Special fluoropolymer
    ?Internal smoothness: Equivalent to Ra 0.02 μm
SeriesTubing O.D.
Metric size
TQφ4,φ6,φ8,φ10,φ12Translucent(Material color)Air, Water, Inert gas, Solvent


Carries fluid such as solvent with a soft and abrasion resistant tube.

2-layer structure

Outer layer Special nylon resin
Inner layer Special fluoropolymer

Flexibility Improved by up to 55%??1

Minimum bending radius (Tube close bend radius)
TQ: 9 mm ← TL: 20 mm(Fluoropolymer Tubing, Super PFA)

??1 Compared with SMC Fluoropolymer Tubing/TL (?6 x ?4)

Reduced to 1/30

Wearing of outer layer tube TQ: 1 mg??2  TL: 30 mg??2 (Fluoropolymer Tubing)

??2 Based on friction test of tubes

Weight reduced by approximately 44%??3

??3 2-Layer Soft Fluoropolymer Tubing (TQ): 26.5 g/m


Automobile, Semiconductor, Food, Medical, Machine tools

Series Variations

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