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Gripper for Collaborative Robots

Magnet Gripper for Collaborative Robots MHM-X7400A-ASSISTA
for the Mitsubishi Electric Corporation MELFA ASSISTA Series 

    ?Attracts and holds heavy objects with a magnet
    ?Supports workpieces with holes and uneven surfaces
    ?Compact with high holding force
     Holding force: Max. 200 N (?25, Workpiece thickness 6 mm)
    ?Continues to hold workpieces even when the air is shut off
    ?Operate by simply connecting 1 air supply tube and an electrical wiring M12 connector.
    ?Integrated solenoid valve, auto switch, and piston speed adjustment mechanism
  • Magnet Gripper for Collaborative Robots MHM-X7400A-ASSISTA
    for the Mitsubishi Electric Corporation MELFA ASSISTA Series 
    Series View search result
    MHM-X7400A-ASSISTAView search result
SeriesMax. holding force N
(Workpiece thickness mm)


Magnet Gripper for Collaborative Robots

Attracts and holds heavy objects with a magnet

Supports workpieces with holes and uneven surfaces

Compact with high holding force: Max. 200 N (?25, Workpiece thickness 6 mm)

Continues to hold workpieces even when the air is shut off

Operate by simply connecting 1 air supply tube and an electrical wiring M12 connector.

Integrated solenoid valve, auto switch, and piston speed adjustment mechanism

Component Parts


Holding force

The holding force graph shows the theoretical value for low-carbon steel plates.
Holding forces vary depending on the material and shape of the workpiece. Please perform a holding test while referring to the value selected based on the graph.


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