
WEB Catalog

Product Information ?  WEB Catalog  ? Switches/Sensors/Controller  ? Auto Switches for Rotary Actuators and Air Grippers

Auto Switches for Rotary Actuators and Air Grippers

Trimmer Auto Switch D

    ?Easily distinguish workpieces with a single auto switch
    ?Minimum detectable adjustment width: 0.5 mm
    ?Applicable to the short stroke cylinder
     The detection of the extended and retracted end positions can be made by a single auto switch.
     This switch can be used when two auto switches cannot be mounted due to a short stroke.
D-M9KSensor unitDirect mounting (Round groove)
D-Y7KSensor unitDirect mounting (Square groove)
D-F7KSensor unitRail mounting
D-R□KAmplifier unit-


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