
WEB Catalog

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Slide Tables

Electric Actuator Slide Table/High Precision Type LESYH

    ?Improved positioning repeatability due to the adoption of a ball screw
     Positioning repeatability: ±0.01 mm
    ?Lost motion: 0.1 mm or less
    ?Increased vertical work load: 5 times or more
    ?Motorless type
     Can be used with your current motor and driver!
Work load (kg)
Work load (kg)
Screw lead
Battery-less absolute
(Step motor 24 VDC)
LESYH850,75Max. 2Max. 6Max. 4002.5,5,10
Battery-less absolute
(Step motor 24 VDC)
LESYH1650,100Max. 8Max. 12Max. 4006,12
Battery-less absolute
(Step motor 24 VDC)
LESYH2550,100,150Max. 12Max. 20Max. 40010,20
AC servo motorLESYH1650,100Max. 8Max. 12Max. 4006,12
AC servo motorLESYH2550,100Max. 12Max. 20Max. 40010,20(Parallel)


Improved positioning repeatability due to the adoption of a ball screw drive. Positioning repeatability: ±0.01 mm

Lost motion: 0.1 mm or less

Increased vertical work load: 5 times or more

Motorless type: Can be used with your current motor and driver !

Battery-less absolute encoder type: Restart from the last stop position is possible after recovery of the power supply.

Easy operation restart after recovery of the power supply
The position information is held by the encoder even when the power supply is turned off.
A return to origin operation is not necessary when the power supply is recovered.

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