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Gripper for Collaborative Robots

Magnet Gripper for Collaborative Robots MHM-X7400A-DTP/HC10DT/HC10
for the YASKAWA Electric Corporation MOTOMAN-HC 

    ?Attracts and holds heavy objects with a magnet
    ?Supports workpieces with holes and uneven surfaces
    ?Compact with high holding force
     Holding force: Max. 200 N (?25, Workpiece thickness 6 mm)
    ?Continues to hold workpieces even when the air is shut off
    ?Operate by simply connecting 1 air supply tube and an electrical wiring connector.
    ?Integrated solenoid valve, auto switch, and piston speed adjustment mechanism
  • Magnet Gripper for Collaborative Robots MHM-X7400A-DTP/HC10DT/HC10
    for the YASKAWA Electric Corporation MOTOMAN-HC 
    Series View search result
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SeriesMax. holding force N
(Workpiece thickness mm)


■Magnet Gripper for Collaborative Robots
■Attracts and holds heavy objects with a magnet
■Supports workpieces with holes and uneven surfaces
■Compact with high holding force: Max. 200 N (?25, Workpiece thickness 6 mm)
■Continues to hold workpieces even when the air is shut off
■Operate by simply connecting 1 air supply tube and an electrical wiring connector.
■Integrated solenoid valve, auto switch, and piston speed adjustment mechanism
■Component Parts

Holding force

The holding force graph shows the theoretical value for low-carbon steel plates.
Holding forces vary depending on the material and shape of the workpiece. Please perform a holding test while referring to the value selected based on the graph.


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