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Chiller Compliant Regulations

Low GWP Refrigerant Chiller Thermo-chiller Standard Type HRSF150/200

    ?Low GWP Refrigerant Chiller
     GWP: 146? ? Regulation (EU) 2024/573, AIM Act 40 CFR
     Part 84
     EU refrigerant regulations: GWP150 or more
     US refrigerant regulations: GWP700 or more
     California, US refrigerant regulations: GWP750 or more
    ?Environmentally friendly R454C as refrigerant (Not available for air
    ?No heater is required, as the circulating fluid is heated using only the heat
     exhausted by the refrigerating circuit.
    ?Compatible with power supplies in Europe, Asia, Oceania, and North,
     Central, and South America
    ?3-phase 400 VAC Low-noise design 70 dB(A)
    ?Outdoor installation IPX4
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SeriesSet temperature rangeCooling capacityTemperature
Cooling methodCirculating fluid
5 to 35℃15.7kW
20.5kW (Air-cooled)
20.6kW (Water-cooled)
±1.0℃Air-cooled refrigeration
Water-cooled refrigeration
Tap water
15 to 40% Ethylene glycol aqueous solution
Deionized water


Low GWP Refrigerant Chiller

No heater is required, as the circulating fluid is heated using only the heat exhausted by the refrigerating circuit.

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