
WEB Catalog

Product Information ?  WEB Catalog  ? Vacuum Equipment (Vacuum Generators/Vacuum Suction Cups/Other)  ? Air Suction Filters

Air Suction Filters

Vacuum Filter AFJ-D

    ?Prevents vacuum equipment trouble
    ?Nominal filtration rating: 5, 40, 80 μm
    ?Large flow capacity: max. 660 L/min (ANR)
    ?Elements can be reused by washing them.
    ?Water drops can be removed.
    ?The bowl is covered with a transparent bowl guard!
SeriesPort sizeRecommended flow rate
L/min (ANR)
Nominal filtration rating
AFJ-D1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2180, 380, 6605,40,80


Prevents vacuum equipment trouble!

Selectable filtration rating

Better visibility & environmental resistance

Easy to handle

Metal related corrosion does not occur.

Application Examples

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