
WEB Catalog

Product Information ?  WEB Catalog  ? Temperature Control Equipment  ? Thermo-cons/Thermoelectric Baths (Peltier-Type Temperature Control Equipment)

Thermo-cons/Thermoelectric Baths (Peltier-Type Temperature Control Equipment)

Peltier-type Thermo-con/Compact Type (Low-temperature Type) INR-244-832

    ?Compact, Space saving
    ?Low-noise design: 45 dBA (When selecting an option)
    ?Cooling capacity: 150 W
    ?Temperature stability: ±0.01 to 0.03°C
    ?Set temperature range: 4°C to 60°C
    ?Fluid contact material: Stainless steel, Resin
     (Aluminum and copper material-free)
SeriesSet temperature rangeMax. cooling capacityTemperature stabilityCooling method
INR-244-8324 to 60℃150W±0.01 to 0.03℃Peltier-type air-cooled


Thermo-con/Compact Type (Low-temperature Type) Air-cooled INR-244-832

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