
WEB Catalog

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Air Preparation Filters

In-line Air Filter ZFC

    ?Operating pressure range: ?100 kPa to 1.0 MPa
     Both positive pressure and vacuum pressure can be used with one unit.
    ?With lock mechanism
     During positive pressure, it prevents components from being scattered when they are loosened.
    ?2 types of transparent case materials are available:
     Polycarbonate (Standard), Nylon (Made to order)

    Note 1) Supply pressure: 0.7 MPa, Differential pressure: 30 kPa
    Note 2) Made to order
SeriesApplicable tubing O.D.
Applicable tubing O.D.
Flow rate
L/min (ANR)Note 1)
Positive pressure
Flow rate
L/min (ANR)
Vacuum pressure
Filtration (μm)
ZFC1□φ2, φ3.2φ1/8''15 / 452 / 55,10Note 2)
ZFC3□φ3.2, φ4φ1/8'', φ5/32''50 / 807 / 105,10Note 2)
ZFC5□φ4, φ6φ5/32'', φ1/4''100 / 20010 / 205,10Note 2)
ZFC7□φ6, φ8 , φ10, φ12φ1/4'', φ5/16'', φ3/8''250 / 450 / 550 / 65030 / 70 /80 / 1005,10Note 2)


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