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Air Gripper Unit for Collaborative Robots

Air Gripper Unit for Collaborative Robots JMHZ2-X7400B-ASSISTA
for the Mitsubishi Electric Corporation MELFA ASSISTA Series 

    ?Compact, lightweight product with high gripping force due to air operation
    ?High rigidity and high precision due to its guide-integrated construction
     Repeatability: ±0.01 mm due to the adoption of a high-precision linear guide
     Higher rigidity due to the adoption of a linear guide of the higher rigidity and precision
    ?Operate by simply connecting 1 air supply tube and an electrical wiring M12 connector.
    ?Integrated solenoid valve, speed adjustment mechanism, and auto switch
    ?A split protective cover for easy air gripper maintenance
    ?Standards: ISO 9409-1-31.5-4-M5
  • Air Gripper Unit for Collaborative Robots JMHZ2-X7400B-ASSISTA
    for the Mitsubishi Electric Corporation MELFA ASSISTA Series 
    Type Series View search result
    For Collaborative RobotsJMHZ2-16D-X7400B-ASSISTAView search result
TypeSeriesCylinder bore size (mm)
For Collaborative RobotsJMHZ2-16D-X7400B-ASSISTA16


Air Gripper Unit for Collaborative Robots

Compact, lightweight product with high gripping force due to air operation

High rigidity and high precision due to its guide-integrated construction

Repeatability: ±0.01 mm due to the adoption of a high-precision linear guide
Higher rigidity due to the adoption of a linear guide of the higher rigidity and precision (Compared with the same size of the existing MHZ2)

Operate by simply connecting 1 air supply tube and an electrical wiring M12 connector.

Integrated solenoid valve, speed adjustment mechanism, and auto switch

A split protective cover for easy air gripper maintenance

Allows you to maintain the air gripper without removing the user-specific attachment

Component Parts



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