
WEB Catalog

Product Information ?  WEB Catalog  ? Fittings and Tubing  ? Tubing(Tubing for Special Environments)

Tubing(Tubing for Special Environments)

Flame Resistant (Equivalent to UL-94 Standard V-0)
FR 2-Layer Soft Polyurethane Tubing TRBU-X259

    ?Peeling of the outer layer not required to connect fittings
     Reduced labor time, Improved workability
    ?Improved flexibility (Compared with the TRBU)
    ?Lightweight and compact
     Weight: 57% reduction, Cross sectional area: 37% reduction (Compared with the TRBU0805)
    ?Suitable for air and water piping in environments where spot welding spatter may be a problem
    ?Increased flow rate due to I.D. expansion: Max. 69% improvement
     (Comparison between the TRBU1208 and the TRBU1210-X259)
SeriesTubing O.D.ColorFluid
(Some products are available as a special order.
Please refer to the catalog for details.)
Black, White, Red, Blue, Yellow, Green
(Some products are available as a special order.
Please refer to the catalog for details.)
Air, Water


Peeling of the outer layer not required to connect fittings

Reduced labor time, Improved workability

Series Comparison

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