
WEB Catalog

Product Information ?  WEB Catalog  ? Pneumatic Instrumentation Equipment  ? Positioners

Electro-Pneumatic Positioner/Smart Positioner IP8□00/IP8□01

    ?Enclosure: JISF8007 IP65 (Compliant with IEC 60529)
    ?Monitoring function
    ?Explosion-proof construction
     ?Electro-pneumatic positioner:
       TIIS explosion-proof construction (Exd II BT5)
       ATEX intrinsically safe explosion-proof construction
       (II 2G Ex h ib II CT5/T6 Gb)
     ?Smart positioner:
       ATEX intrinsically safe explosion-proof construction
        (II 1G Ex h ia II CT4/T5/T6 Ga)
    ?HART transmission function (Smart positioner)
DescriptionSeriesTypePort size
(Rc, NPT, G)
Supply air pressure
Input current
Electro-pneumatic positionerIP8000Lever type1/40.14 to 0.74 to 20 mA DC
Electro-pneumatic positionerIP8100Rotary type1/40.14 to 0.74 to 20 mA DC
Smart positionerIP8001Lever type1/40.14 to 0.74 to 20 mA DC
Smart positionerIP8101Rotary type1/40.3 to 0.74 to 20 mA DC

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