
WEB Catalog

Product Information ?  WEB Catalog  ? Electric Actuators/Cylinders  ? Slide Tables

Electric Slide Table/Compact Type LES

    ?Compact: Workpiece mounting surface height reduced by up to 12% compared with the LESH
    ?Vertical work load: Increased by up to 50%
    ?Lightweight: Reduced by up to 29%
    ?Max. pushing force: 180 N
    ?Positioning repeatability: ±0.05 mm
    ?Cycle time can be reduced.
     Max. acceleration/deceleration: 5,000 mm/s2
     Max. speed: 400 mm/s
Work load (kg)
Work load (kg)
Screw lead
Step motor
(Servo/24 VDC)
LES8□30,50,75Max. 1Max. 0.5Max. 4004 ,8
Step motor
(Servo/24 VDC)
LES16□30,50,75,100Max. 3Max. 3Max. 4005,10
Step motor
(Servo/24 VDC)
LES25□30,50,75,100,125,150Max. 5Max. 5Max. 4008,16
Servo motor
(24 VDC)
LES8□A30,50,75Max. 1Max. 1Max. 4004,8
Servo motor
(24 VDC)
LES16□A30,50,75,100Max. 3Max. 3Max. 4005,10
Servo motor
(24 VDC)
LES25□A30,50,75,100,125,150Max. 5Max. 4Max. 4008,16

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