
WEB Catalog

Product Information ?  WEB Catalog  ? Vacuum Equipment (Vacuum Generators/Vacuum Suction Cups/Other)  ? Vacuum Ejectors (Vacuum Generators)/Vacuum Pump Systems

Large Size Vacuum Module (Vacuum Generators) ZR

    ?Compatible with ejector systems and vacuum pump systems
    ?Necessary functions can be combined through a modular design.
    ?Double solenoids provide a self-holding function.
    ?Adaptable to manifold applications
    ?Functions such as a digital vacuum switch or a solenoid valve can be selected.
SeriesNozzle diameter
Max. suction flow
Air consumption
Guidelines for applicable pad
Vacuum pump system series
ZR1101.025532 to 32ZR100
ZR1131.342862 to 50ZR100
ZR1151.5631022 to 100ZR100
ZR1181.8741552 to 125ZR100
ZR1202.0951942 to 150ZR100

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